Carbon Management




According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE):

• Carbon management is defined as a system of technologies focused on capturing, transporting, and converting or storing carbon dioxide (CO2). 

• Technologies capture CO2 from sources like power plants and industrial facilities.

That is, "Carbon Management" is DOE's new name for what the industry calls Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)/Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS).  

• Carbon management is crucial for achieving climate goals by mid-century.

Because the fossil fuels production will (and must) continue to rise for decades to come to meet global energy demand but with lower carbon emissions.

• The DOE's strategy includes developing the carbon management industry while ensuring community, environmental, and worker benefits.

That is, the DOE's strategy includes developing the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)/Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) industry while ensuring community, environmental, and worker benefits.  

• The following is a good illustration of what is carbon management?


(Source: DOE: LPO TechTalk: June 23, 2023)

• According to the DOE's recently published 'Carbon Management Liftoff Report': "Depending on relative deployment of other technologies, achieving a net zero economy by 2050 will require capturing and storing 400 to 1.800 million tones of carbon dioxide annually by 2050. At about 25 million tonnes per year, current carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in the U.S. is betweeen one and five percent of those levels". 


Avasthi & Associates, Inc. (A&A) Consulting Team of seasoned consultants is here to help our clients on their Carbon Management (CCS/CCUS) projects, in particular their CO2 Storage Projects, by providing state-of-the-art geoscientific, reservoir, well, and simulation/modeling, consulting services, whenever requested.

To put the the A&A Consulting Team of seasoned consultants to work on your company's carbon management (CCS/CCUS) projects and building Carbon Management Plans (CMP), that is, strategies to help meet your company's carbon reduction objectives, and to understand and solve energy transition issues related to oil & gas resources, assets, and investments, or for conducting third-party quality review and assessment of the work that has been performed for your company by other consulting and/or service companies, around the world, please Contact Us







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