History-matching Production-pressure Performance of a Major Oilfield 


Since history-matching production-pressure performance of a major oil field is the most time-consuming, complicated, and expensive part of conducting a reservoir simulation study, the high-level and seasoned reservoir simulation consultants of A&A Consulting Team are available to help our clients on their most challenging reservoir simulation studies.

We mean it, when we say, send your most challenging projects to A&A, and let the seasoned consultants of A&A consulting Team find the most suitable solutions for you:

  • Since a successful EOR/IOR pilot-test / field-wide project design, and subsequent design of a field development plan (FDP), depends heavily on the development of a good reservoir simulation model, the high-level and seasoned reservoir simulation consultants of A&A Consulting Team regularly help our clients develop acceptable history match of production–pressure performance of their oil fields, no matter how difficult and complicated the history-matching project may be.
  • A&A is also delighted to review our clients’ in-house simulation study and comment on acceptability of its history match and suggest improvements to that, so that an acceptable history-matched reservoir simulation model can be developed for the target reservoir of the field of interest.


We can put the high-level and seasoned reservoir simulation consultants of A&A Consulting Team, with extensive experience working on most challenging reservoir simulation/ history-matching projects, around the world, to work on your company's most challenging reservoir simulation studies, either at A&A offices, or at your company's offices, around the world, whenever requested. To find out more, please contact us.





Contact: +1-281-359-2674 or send us an e-mail